BUNDLE: Low carbon business
Tools & Resources
All businesses have a responsibility to help bring about the transition to a low carbon economy, which is why we've put together this bundle to make it easier for you to get your carbon emissions under control and reduce costs at the same time.
Click below for a selection of articles, tools and resources to help your start decarbonising your business.
How to reduce the carbon footprint of your business
The government’s Net Zero Strategy requires all sectors of the UK economy to decarbonise by 2050. But what does that mean for your business and how will you get there?
Find out more about carbon reduction here.
How carbon offsetting can benefit your business
In an ideal world, every business would have a carbon footprint of zero. But until we get to a point where this is both technically and financially possible, investing in carbon reduction projects is going to be one of the best ways for businesses to play their part in tackling climate change.
Find out more about carbon offsetting here.
What is net zero vs sustainability vs low carbon
With so much news about climate change making the headlines, you might be wondering what the difference is between key terms such as net zero, sustainability and low carbon.
Find out more about these three terms here.
Your essential sustainability glossary
If you’re taking the first steps on your sustainability journey, you might be coming across a swathe of names, terms and acronyms that might be unfamiliar to you.
Download your sustainability glossary here.
Corporate greening - six tips to make your business more sustainable
Corporate emissions account for 17% of the UK’s total carbon footprint. Cutting this figure is crucial if we are to achieve net zero by 2050 or even sooner.
Find out more about corporate greening here.
Why sustainability is important to SMEs
If you own or run a small business, you have a critical role to play in the fight against climate change. The best way for you to play your part is to become a sustainable business – one that looks after the environment as well as its bottom line.
Find out why sustainability is important to SMEs here.
Energy efficiency savings for your business
Making your business more efficient can help you save time and money to invest in developing new products and services and exploring new markets.
Find out more about energy efficiency here.